Saturday, September 20, 2008

Weigh-in day and I am scared to death...

I am sitting here knowing I can't eat until I get on the scale and weigh-in. But I am almost afraid to do it. At this rate I might never get breakfast. it's been 3 weeks since starting this TV show and less than 2 weeks since the diet and excercise began. I have been working really hard but I don't feel any lighter. If I get on the scale and I've lost nothing or I've somehow gained it will break my spirit and motivation. If I get on and I have lost a few I'll be elated. The risk of that first option is just too great for me at the moment, so for now I will sit her and have a "staring contest" with the scale.

Eventually I'll get so hungry I have no choice but to get on. Afterall I have to do it before I eat...

It seems that today this metal box has all the power...


I got on it... I started at 252, I am now at 242. That is only 2 lbs away from my first goal to get to 240. I am so close I can smell it!!!

I have lost 10lbs since I began less than 2 weeks ago!!!!

Woo hoo!!! It's working!


Anonymous said...

Five more to go before you get a package in the mail. Congrats girl. I know you are SUPER busy but I miss your emails. :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go! I am so proud of you! I am doing this right along with you and I have lost 5 lbs. in one week! Twenty more to let's hang in there and make these "lifestyle" changes for good! :) Cathy