Tuesday, October 7, 2008

From frumpy to fabulous...

BEFORE <---------> AFTER

The first photo is one of me at my heaviest. this photo has NEVER EVER seen the light of day. In fact I deleted all of the photos taken in this time of my life. When deleting them I kept one but hid it way down in the depths of my photos. Not sure why I kept it, but I think I knew that one day I would need it. That time has come!

The second photo was take of me today. No comparison.... I am beginning to be one hot mama!

So tell me... Click the comment button below and let me know what you think of the difference?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You have been so successful Colleen! Your story has me so motivated that I have started walking with my girls every night too! Thank you so much for living this story in such a public way. It is helping so many of us!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you looking healthy and even better to see you are still on track with it all.

Anonymous said...

This is a huge change for you. If you have a man in your life he'd better start paying more attention to you now!

Hippofatamus said...

Thanks! I just hope that the show gets picked up as a series because there are so many familes that could use the help that they have provided to us! We are so fortunate to have been picked!

Anonymous said...

I am shocked!

you are stunning! we weigh the same amount but you are more beautiful.

How do I get on that show too?

Anonymous said...


Since I have recently met you in our mommy/baby play group I know that your after picture is how you ACTUALLY look not, something taken after being made to look great by the show and in "good light". And the before picture... well I would have said it was a much older sister of yours. It doesn't look like you at all! You look younger, your skin has a glow to it, and you look happier and healthier in your after shot. You should be so proud of what you've accomplished!! Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Coleen...more and more as I read your blog and follow your progress, I cannot express how proud I am of you and how great you look!

Unknown said...

Colleen, you look fabulous now, but were also so very pretty before, too. I hope one day you can see that. I'm glad you're feeling better and healthier, but be kind to the woman you were. Take it from someone who knows. When I stopped beating up who I was, life got much happier.